Articles for tag: Lifestyle


Arrival Of 4G Wireless – Its Effects On People’s Lifestyle

Overall Effects- People’s Lifestyles and Mobile Communications The 4th Generation (4G) mobile communications systems are projected to be carried out around 2010. World Over the research on 4G (Fourth Generation) Mobile Communications is in progress since the last 6 years. The technology is still in evolution but Countries have already started committing themselves to its ...


Diabetes – The Lifestyle Police Are Accepting Applications

Back about six years ago when I had a real job, I remember having many problems with employees who smoked. Not only were they traditionally the least productive of all employees but their habit(s) were filthy dirty. Not just the smoking part but leaving their trash all over and not washing their hands before going ...


Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Creating a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge for many of us. But challenges are worth overcoming if we know the benefits will be good for us. These benefits can include helping our bodies stay strong, warding off degenerative disease, maintaining a positive outlook and extra energy needed to follow that dream of a better ...


Lower Blood Pressure – 5 Lifestyle Factors That Really Matter

When you mention natural blood pressure remedies many people immediately think of herbs, minerals or other supplements. But the truth is that many of these are no more natural than prescription drugs. In fact, they are often powerful substances that can have unpredictable side effects. What’s more, they can end up costing as much as ...


Do You Have a Strategic Lifestyle Plan?

Every business has, or should have, a strategic plan. It endows the business with the fundamentals from which to exist and grow. In its simplest form, a strategic plan means realizing an organization’s ultimate goals. Strategic planning should not be mistaken for a business, or operational, plan. Strategic planning has enduring effects on a business, ...


About Swingers and Swing Lifestyles

There are many myths and misconceptions around swing lifestyles (or simply “swinging”). Just what is swinging about and who are the so so-called swingers? Swinging can be defined as the act of sharing yourself and your spouse with another couple, or other couples, with the full knowledge of all involved. It is the participants of ...


Embracing Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are coming! Sometimes, suddenly, as they did for me and sometimes slowly and with a bit of warning. The universe is in constant change and we are as well. Like it or not learning to embrace lifestyle changes is a necessary and sometimes difficult life lesson. Here are some steps that you can ...