
Seven Good Reasons to Work With a Health Coach


Health Coaching is a new model for total health and wellness in the individual. Health Coaching is not something you only do when you are sick. Health Coaching is about optimization of human potential and has a philosophy of ever expanding possibilities. Health Coaching recognizes that there is an innate intelligence within you, an inborn wisdom that governs all healing, function and repair and that the purpose of all health and wellness practices is to remove interference to this intelligence so your body can heal itself. The 7 good reasons to work with a Health Coach below will outline clearly how you can reach that state of health and wellness in your life right now.

1. You need to be held accountable.

As children there is always someone there to make sure we’re doing what we’re supposed to. As adults, we’re supposed to be able to do this for ourselves. But what if we can’t? What if we keep making other things more important than our health and well being and not moving forward? A health coach can help by checking and asking the right questions and by being a gentle reminder to keep you moving toward your health and wellness goals.

Also, in most traditional models of seeing a health practitioner, we tend to see that person as an expert – they know more about our body than we do and they can tell us exactly what we need to do to get better. This system encourages us in a sense, to place our health in someone else’s hands. We are no longer responsible, the health practitioner is. We are not really accountable, the health practitioner or the pills they told us to take are. In health coaching, you are the best and only expert on you and the only one qualified to know if something will work or not.

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2. You want to get your health and well being on track once and for all

Far too many of us have joined gyms or started a diet in the past feeling initially excited only to watch our enthusiasm drain away a few weeks later. We can feel disappointed with ourselves, with the money we’ve wasted and with the lack of results we’ve achieved. Things change, our responsibilities change, time we have available changes and our health and wellness goals. What is it that’s stopping you from committing to a path of improved health? A health coach will help you figure out those answers once and for all and help you find real-life solutions that not only work for you but keep working for you in the future.

3. You know what you need to do be healthy but you just can’t seem to stick to the changes

So, it’s not a question of good health education – the majority of us understand clearly what we need to do to stay healthy – eat lots of fruit and veggies, minimize red meat, exercise regularly and don’t smoke or drink too much. Simple right? Why aren’t more of us doing it then? Before we make any changes in our life we need to agree with the changes, they need to be congruent with our values and they need to make sense in the context of our lives.

4. You struggle with being overweight, are always dieting or otherwise don’t feel good about the way you look.

Being overweight is an issue that affects many Australians. It damages our health and damages our self-esteem. Here, a health coach will help you find your way amidst the huge amount of conflicting information available and keep things as simple as possible – no “diets” just a good look at the way you see, value and use food and how that impacts the amount and types of foods you eat each day.

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5. You can’t seem to find or make the time to eat well, exercise regularly or take time for yourself

What’s really going on here? What issues are holding you back from giving yourself what you need to be healthy? Most of us are crazy busy and challenged with “not enough” time but is that the real issue? A health coach will help you identify your personal priorities and find a way to work in your health and wellness goals so you can keep on doing what you want, when you want.

6. You’ve been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, a stress related condition or some other chronic disease and you want to discover other treatment options available to you.

You’ve had the wake up call. Your body is sending you messages loud and clear that something needs to change. A health coach will help you identify options, alternatives, complimentary treatments and educate you more on conventional approaches so you are well informed and can make the best decisions possible for your health.

7. You have “an addictive personality” and make changes only to find yourself slipping back into unhealthy choices or behavior patterns

Addictive behavior patterns, food addiction and drugs and alcohol can sabotage completely our attempts to make lasting changes in our lives. Health coaching sessions will educate, inspire and support you to deal with these tough issues so you develop all the skills and knowledge you need to create and maintain a life of vibrant health and well being free from addictions of all kinds.

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As those of us who’ve had a serious wake up call know, health is the most important thing in our lives – without it, nothing much matters.  Unfortunately, too many of us wait until it’s too late to make changes to our diet and lifestyle. 80% of people in Australia die of “lifestyle diseases” like heart disease, complications of diabetes and many forms of cancer. Can you afford to wait til something’s broken to fix it?

Health coaching is not something you only do when you’re sick. It will help you find your way to better health and well being. After all, you are the best (and only) expert on you. By asking the right questions, providing education and real-world experience we’ll look at alternatives and discover new ideas, possibilities and ways of looking at your health. We’ll help you find what works in your life right now without slipping back into negative eating, exercise or behavior habits. You choose the lifestyle changes, you set the pace and you discover just how good it is possible to feel!

Susan Living is a community focused speaker, workshop facilitator and health coach extraordinaire! Passionate about making vibrant health and well being accessible to all, her down to earth and practical thoughts on health and well being are life-changing. Her insights into the nature of food and addiction and the intricacies and psychology of eating are applicable to anyone with a body.