
Equipment and Gadgets to Make Fitness More Fun


We all know we need to exercise in order to stay healthy and fit (and keep the extra pounds off too), but sometimes it can feel like such a drag. Believe it or not, fitness can be fun though. There are lots of gadgets on the market that can make the grind a little less tedious. If you’re a geek at heart, you’ll love the techy toys. If you like to try new things, then there are plenty of exotic pieces of fitness equipment that can spruce up your workouts too. Let’s take a look at some of the offerings out there; maybe you can find something to make your exercise time more fun.

Nintendo Wii Fit

If you want to add a little fun (okay, a lot of fun) to your fitness workout, add the Wii. The Wii Fit and the Wii Fit Plus are designed to turn exercise into a game. Do you enjoy yoga? Tennis? Aerobics? All of these are “games” you can get for the Wii Fit. This can even save you some money, since yoga classes and the like can be expensive if you’re going to a studio. With the Wii, you can get your workout right in your own living room. Don’t think that just because the Nintendo is a gaming system you won’t sweat. The Wii can get your heart rate up and give you a good workout!

Versa Loops

This versatile, small device is easy to travel with. This affordable system of bands cost around $4.00 each and are excellent for toning and as part of your Pilates workout. They work on resistance with each color denoting a different resistance. Versa loops are certain to add a little fun to your workout.

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Exercise Ball

These balls come in a variety of sizes and work great for Pilates, Yoga, abdomen training, and weight training. They are a fun and excellent tool for doing crunches. And, hey, if you’re hard up for seating, people have been known to substitute these exercise balls for computer chairs.

Human Touch Board

How about a surfing experience while toning your muscles? The Human Touch Board is a lot of fun, and you can learn a whole new skill set while exercising. Who knows? You might actually be able to put your new surfing skills to use one day.


You might not think your iPod is a fitness gadget, but it really is. You can use it to inspire you while walking, jogging, running, and during any of your workouts. Music motivates and listening to your favorite tunes makes your workout fun and helps it fly by. You can also find fitness-related podcasts that can walk you through workouts, everything from jogging to yoga.


There’s no secret that the treadmill remains one of the favorite devices for exercise. Many people consider using a treadmill as fun, and when compared to some other types of exercise it could certainly fit into that category. Right from home, you can get fit while walking, jogging, or running on one spot, with the course moving below your feet. Today many home treadmills have extra features to make the workout fun. Examples include ipod integration, built in tv screens, LCD monitors with virtual workout partners, and more.

The BodyBugg

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If you haven’t heard of the BodyBug you aren’t alone, but you should find out more about this device that can measure your calorie expenditure. It will measure the calories you consume and the calories you burn and then compare them. There are however similar products that cost less and do the same thing.

Fitness Cube

The Fitness Cube lets you burn fat without ever stepping into a gym. It’s like 30 exercises rolled into one machine. It comes with mats, straps, pull out benches, and everything you need for a complete workout.

We’ve looked at just a few of the gadgets and new types of equipment that can make your fitness fun. There are plenty of others. It doesn’t matter what motivates you and keeps your workouts enjoyable, just as long as it works for you.