Articles for category: Uncategorized


Creating Balance Between Fitness and Family

Look in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s Super Fitness Parent! As the kids return from school, this dynamic super hero straps on the red cape and attacks multitasking. With the strength of Clark Kent and the grace of Wonder Woman, Super Fitness Parent is willing to leap tall homework assignments ...


Fitness Watches – What Are They and What Do They Do?

There are actually lots of styles of fitness watches, all with several different functions and sports applications that vary from a basic heart monitoring aid at entry level to an on-board (or rather on wrist) fitness watches suitable for monitoring performance of world class athletes. Thus if you are just at the beginning of your ...


Be Healthy and Fit With Popular Wii Fit Exercises

Everyone seems to agree that the fun way to be healthy and fit lies in the most popular exercises of Wii Fit. With its top rankings all over the UK and the U.S., Nintendo Wii Fit already scores so well on the gamers chart. This fitness game consistently stays in the top 10 favorite video ...


Equipment and Gadgets to Make Fitness More Fun

We all know we need to exercise in order to stay healthy and fit (and keep the extra pounds off too), but sometimes it can feel like such a drag. Believe it or not, fitness can be fun though. There are lots of gadgets on the market that can make the grind a little less ...


Choosing a Fitness DVD

More and more people are now interested to have a fitness DVD. This is because they are concern about how they look and are desperate to keep themselves healthy, But with the amount of different DVD that are present on the market it might be difficult to make your choice. So how do you exactly ...


How to Choose the Best Fitness Boot Camp

Fitness training is the new fad of the age. Not only among the youngsters, keeping fit and healthy is progressively becoming popular among all sections of the population. Going to gyms, getting training equipments at home or hiring personal trainers, people are leaving no stone unturned to get a fit and healthy body. Fitness boot ...


Why Measuring is Important to Fitness

Improving fitness is a performance-based concept. Fitness is generally related to improved health and wellness, both physically and mentally. Most people associate fitness to lower weight. This is not always the case. Let us begin by reviewing a definition of fitness: “Total Fitness is the ability to combine disease avoidance, efficiency in everyday life, ability ...


Life-Fitness Equipment – Understand the Concept

Once you initiate a fitness training program, a bodybuilding program or any other training regimen to amplify your health and physical fitness, you have the option of registering in a local fitness center or gym, or setting up your home gym. Home fitness equipment are currently very popular due to their convenience and easy acquisition. ...