Articles for category: Uncategorized


The Best Fitness Gear—RIGHT NOW!

Goat Tape The best fitness products are the ones that solve a common problem. Problem: most athletic tapes sucks—they peel easily, and don’t hold up to sweat. Two CrossFitters solved that when they created Goat Tape, an athletic tape that is far stickier and more sweat resistant than what your average lifting coach is used ...


Fitness Fix: Building Better Ankle Mobility

Think you can’t squat because of a bad back? Tight hips? Weak knees? You may want to look lower down in the kinetic chain — the problem may just be tight ankles. The role mobile ankles play in many fitness pursuits is underappreciated, says Kelly Starrett, DPT, author of Ready to Run, who runs the popular ...


Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle For The Rest of Your Life

A healthy lifestyle encompasses all of the components of healthy living, eating food which your body finds highly nutritious, exercising the body on a consistent basis, getting enough rest and sleep, drinking plenty of fresh water etc. The real way to maintain that kind of lifestyle is to take action on all of those things ...


Is It Work, or a Lifestyle?

There are two things that my friends find surprising, OK maybe 3: I travel more now than I ever have It’s Friday night at 7:30pm and I’m working I’m looking forward to some “office time” tomorrow The misconception here is whether I’m actually working (when travelling so much) and why I give up Friday nights ...

Type 2 Diabetes – Healthy Lifestyle Changes Benefit Women With Gestational Diabetes

Women with Gestational or pregnancy-related diabetes can improve both their own and their child’s health with lifestyle interventions, according to a report published in May of 2017 in the Cochrane Database System Review. Investigators at the University of Auckland and several other research facilities in New Zealand and the UK combined the results of fifteen studies and ...


Optimizing a Healthy Lifestyle

The human body is a highly evolved biological machine. Lifestyle plays a big role in optimizing your general health. It’s in your best interest to adopt a healthy one. I know it’s not easy to develop one; but, doing so can definitely do wonders to your body for the long haul. But, wouldn’t it be ...


What Is The Prepping Lifestyle?

Are You Already Prepping? I am willing to bet real money that you’re already prepping and do not realize it. Let’s see if you pass the test. When you go to the grocery store do you buy more than you need for just the next meal? If you do, you are a prepper. You are ...


The 7-Day Guide to Jumpstart Your Fitness

Who do you want to look like? Britney Spears? Brad Pitt? Mia Hamm? We all want to look fabulous, but don’t always know how to take the first step towards our goals. A fitness jumpstart is a great way to set off towards a “better you.” The beauty of a fitness jumpstart is how little ...