

A Healthy Lifestyle Seems to Be a Thing of the Past

A healthy lifestyle is a choice you make and a commitment to improving yourself. A healthy lifestyle involves making smart choices when it comes to your diet, such as eating organic food instead of food filled with additives and preservatives. Being healthy also involves cardio exercise and strength training for one hour a day, six ...


How to Start Your New Healthy Lifestyle Today

Have you ever noticed that you can always find a reason to put off ’til tomorrow what you can do today? This is especially true when it comes to starting a new healthy lifestyle. Maybe you have a girls trip coming up, an anniversary to celebrate, a birthday party to attend, or it’s Wednesday and ...


How to Winterize Lifestyle and Nutrition Choices and Goals

As we all know, winter is fast approaching. With the joys of this wonderful season come the usual concerns about boosting your energy level, immunity to diseases and basically staying healthy. In order to safeguard your well-being during the colder months, you must set lifestyle and nutrition choices and goals. The first and foremost important ...


Healthy Lifestyles – Your Choice

Health and wellbeing is a process. Yeah, yeah, how many times have you heard that? Have you tried diets? Have you lost weight, put it on, lost it, only to put the weight back on and then some? Here’s something to consider. Let’s presume that you keep everything about your lifestyle the same. The way ...


Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine Review of Rita Davenport

When it comes to Network Marketing, Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine is the industry insider. This is the magazine that is devoted to network marketing, individual success stories, marketing on the internet, motivational articles, legal issues in the business, and of course, industry news. Recently Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine did an article about Rita Davenport. Rita ...


Healthy Lifestyle in Hydration Moderation

Actually the key to having a healthy lifestyle is to remember to have all things in moderation – including exercise. While too many sweets are definitely a bad thing, not having any is an extreme that few people want to experience. Artificial sweeteners can help you cut out some sugar, but don’t rely on them ...


All About Healthy Cooking

Healthy cooking doesn’t mean that you have to pay outrageous amounts of money for a gourmet chef or those overly-priced cooking utensils, or even those expensive cookbooks. Healthy cooking also doesn’t mean that you have to cut out all of the foods that you love to eat. Essentially, many foods are very healthy. What makes ...


Crock Pot and Slow Cooking – Making the Most Out of Them

Using your slow cooker or crock pot offers the best solution for versatility and flexibility if time is your enemy. When you put together the benefits of limited preparation, the use of one pot and the time saved by not having to prepare a meal on the spot, you know you have a winner. A ...


The Benefits of Cooking With Kids

Cooking is a valuable life skill that helps kids to develop their independence. Cooking can also help boost kids’ confidence as they spend quality time with you while contributing something the whole family can enjoy. Cooking activities are a great way for kids to express themselves and enjoy their creations. Parents often are in search ...