

Why “Free Market Competition” Fails in Health Care

In trying to think about the future of health care, thoughtful, intelligent people often ask, “Why can’t we just let the free market operate in health care? That would drive down costs and drive up quality.” They point to the successes of competition in other industries. But their faith is misplaced, for economic reasons that ...


Health Care – A Populist Solution

It should be obvious by now that the U.S. health care system is not going to be happily corrected from the top down. If we truly had a free-market competitive system with many insurance companies vying for the public’s business, that should bring prices of their service down, right? How can our President be an ...


Understanding the Definition of Health Related Fitness

Being a Health and Fitness Professional, it is my job to understand terms and definitions which are commonplace to this industry, as well to keep abreast of evolving trends. Through my experience, I have found that a number of terms deserve a little more clarification than that which they are granted. Aside from clarifying the ...


Making the Choice to Execute a Health Care Power of Attorney and Living Will

Advances in medical technology, recent court rulings and emerging political trends have brought with them a number of life-and-death choices which many have never before considered. The looming prospect of legalized physician-assisted suicide is one such choice which severely erodes the inherent value and dignity of human life. The much-publicized efforts of certain doctors to ...


Methods of Cardiovascular Health Assessment

Advances in medical technology, recent court rulings and emerging political trends have brought with them a number of life-and-death choices which many have never before considered. The looming prospect of legalized physician-assisted suicide is one such choice which severely erodes the inherent value and dignity of human life. The much-publicized efforts of certain doctors to ...


20 Health Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss & Health Goals

How can you expect to manage health & weight, when you’ve never been taught how to? It’s not you! It’s a broken approach. There is a reason our society is getting sicker…today you see more illness, obesity, allergies, digestive disorders, cancer, diabetes, immune & thyroid disruptions, neurological conditions, etc. You may fail to understand how ...


How to Choose the Best Fitness Boot Camp and Stay Fit

As more and more people become more health-conscious and become conscious of their body shapes, it is no surprise that the fitness industry is having a boom due to the increased demand. Now, there are more fitness centers, gyms, personal trainers and boot camps than ever before. Obviously, most people who work out would want ...


7 Rules to Reaching Your 2010 Fitness Goals

So you’ve made to another through another year huh? If you’re like most people, you have decided that 2010 is going to be the year you finally stop procrastinating on exercising, eating right, and living a more healthful lifestyle. These are all great goals to try to achieve, but what happens with about 80% (or ...