
Arrival Of 4G Wireless – Its Effects On People’s Lifestyle


Overall Effects- People’s Lifestyles and Mobile Communications
The 4th Generation (4G) mobile communications systems are projected to be carried out around 2010. World Over the research on 4G (Fourth Generation) Mobile Communications is in progress since the last 6 years. The technology is still in evolution but Countries have already started committing themselves to its implementation. India has said that it would leapfrog from 2G to 4G bypassing the 3G Technology. China, Korea and Japan are jointly developing 4G Phones; China will implement 4G technology for the Beijing Olympic games. WiMax Technology is on its last legs because it does not support VOIP. Data transfers will happen at LAN Speeds of 100Mbps.The World is looking up to 4G for transformation of the way people do day-to-day business. Once the technology evolves the hand phone used in 4G mobile communications would be an all in one device for use in. ¢ Education, Arts and Science ¢ Business activities outside the office ¢ Network games and music/video content downloading ¢ Visual Communication ¢ Merchandise purchase and settlement ¢ Daily Life ¢ Work ¢ Nursing and Health Care ¢ Emergency Medical Treatment ¢ Disaster Management.

People’s Lifestyles and Mobile Communications

The 4G Mobile Communication Systems can have even greater impact on people’s lives, leading to changes in lifestyles and transforming our living environments, way of business and the social system. 4G mobile systems are likely to widely and deeply penetrate our daily lives, to create a new information and communications environment in our society. The use of mobile communications services will be taken for granted in the daily lives of people, and their behavior may be significantly change from the conventional behavioral patterns. , It will enable people to study literally, play, work, and shop anywhere they want. As a consequence, people will be liberated from the limitations and restrictions of space, and be able to more freely choose where they want to be schools, offices and homes will not disappear as a physical space, but the significance of “place” and “space” could be much different from our conventional thinking, a great transformation of business structure, particularly in industries targeted at consumers, and an emergence of new businesses. service offering may shift in varying degrees into a structure where “a service is delivered to the user” instead of “users are required to go out to receive service”. Mobile government services and remote education is likely to be provided purely as an application on mobile networks. Although it may be difficult to realize full-scale on-line medical service right away, an environment where doctors with advanced mobile medical devices visit patient’s homes to provide treatment using special mobile services are considered sufficiently possible .The advancement in mobile services are likely to enlarge the markets for a wide range of products that are often used in daily life, including mobile terminals, information appliances, home network, intelligent vehicles, etc

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It may not be too much to say that the service that has most dramatically transformed people’s lifestyles in the last decade is mobile communications such as cellular phones and PHS. Ten years ago, cellular phones were still too expensive and too bulky to carry around, thus, they were used only by limited amount of business users and others. After the explosive growth in the late 1990’s, however, mobile communications have turned into the most frequently used means for communications for many users. Furthermore, with the creation of e-mail, content services, i.e., ringing tones and games, and other applications such as web information services for cellular phones, mobile communications have provided a lot of fun and conveniences to people’s daily lives, and even caused some changes in the power balance between various information medium.

In the next ten years, mobile communications services are expected to make further progress and cast an even greater impact on people’s lives, leading to changes in lifestyles and transforming our living environments, way of business and the social system. Due to the advancement of mobile services, 4G mobile systems are expected to be much more widely used in and closely related to our daily lives than today. For instance, through the six use of mobile terminals equipped with full-scale settlement capabilities, people would be able to use mobile devices as a secure electronic settlement means for the purchases they make from shops or vending machines in town. If a solid personnel authentication becomes a reality through biological authentication technologies, people may be able to gain access a variety of services including administrative services of local governments from their mobile terminals at hand. A significant enhancement in data transmission rates will allow users to obtain and enjoy video software and advanced game contents, etc., in an instant regardless of their location.

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Transactions of business mail with a huge data attachment can be performed without any stress in mobile environments, which may make the word “desk-work” obsolete. People will be able to receive necessary navigation information in a simple manner whenever they go out, and may no longer feel inconvenient due to a lack of information. In addition, if abnormalities, such as an accident or a natural disaster, people will be able to make necessary contacts immediately from virtually anywhere, improving the safety standard of our lives.

As described above, 4G mobile systems are likely to widely and deeply penetrate our daily lives, to create a new information and communications environment in our society. The use of mobile communications services will be taken for granted in the daily lives of people, and their behavior may be significantly change from the conventional behavioral patterns.

Traditionally, people used several life spaces of different functionality or significance (home, school, workplace, bank, department stores, hospitals, to name a few) for specific purposes. Mobile services, however, can provide many of these functionalities transcending spaces. In other words, it enables people to study literally, play, work, and shop anywhere they want. As a consequence, people will be liberated from the limitations and restrictions of space, and be able to more freely choose where they want to be.

This is a transformation from a “space-based lifestyle” with many restrictions to a freer and more flexible “object-oriented lifestyle”. Naturally, schools, offices and homes will not disappear as a physical space, but the significance of “place” and “space” could be much different from our conventional thinking.

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Vijay has a Global Role in Market Research & Consultancy on present & future Best Practices in ICT for Enterprise Communication, Application Integration in the Enterprise to make the Applications access to anyone permitted to log on to the Enterprise Application irrespective of geographical location, time & device used to gain real time access & modify data in the Application ,translating into Business Intelligence with Universal Implications .Vijay is founder member for Best Practices in Project Management TRIBE in techtribe. Vijay has been nominated by Society for New Communications Research USA for volunteer-based fellowship worldwide.Vijay is listed in the Elite Indian IT as life member.Vijay is on panel of a program-a pioneering effort of Summit HR Worldwide in association with IIM Bangalore & Alignmark,Inc,USA,to improve job satisfaction & better talent engagement.Vijay heads MAA SHARDA FOUNDATION=In Pursuit of Re-construction of the lost Sharda script, The Language of Kashmir known for being the highest Learning seat of Hinduism, Buddhism,Jainaism in Sanskrit and various Sanskrit transalations.The place Sharada now in PAK-Occupied Kashmir, the fountainhead of imparting Knowledge was a University for highest spiritual learning. Till the Nomads in shape of sword wielding invaders raised the total place to ground and then further disaster to the place happening during the earthquake a couple of years back. This foundation has been formed to generate funds for restoration of the place to its original granduare.of the university established five thousand years back,Sanskrit grammar and any changes and yearly updates and benchmarks were scientifically reconstructed by scholars of Sanskrit at Sharda Peeth,& were taken as a default by Sanskrit scholars all over the world practicing different religions like Buddhism, Hinduism& Jainism .For donation please write to me at