
7 Reasons Why You Should Start a Health Network Marketing Business


More and more people are looking into starting a home based business. The unstable economy, low job satisfaction and the high cost of living are some of the many factors driving people to explore ways to create additional income. Even network marketing doesn’t seem to have the stigma it used to as people are starting MLM businesses more than ever.

If this describes you then I congratulate your entrepreneurial spirit! I admire people who seek ways to improve their lives and those of their families. I also encourage you to do your due diligence before leaping into just any MLM company if that’s what you’re considering. I’ve been in many network marketing companies and I learned what to look for (and what to avoid) in MLM companies through painful trial and error.

There are a huge variety of multi-level marketing companies out there offering almost any product or service you can imagine including travel services, legal services, nutritional and health products, weight loss products and many more. But I personally recommend you seriously consider starting a health network marketing business rather than any other. And I have seven really good reasons which you’ll never forget because they form the word HEALTHY.

Here we go!

Huge market. When you start your health network marketing business you’ll automatically have the largest market possible–everyone! Everyone either wants to improve their health or maintain their good health. You won’t find anyone who will say, “Nah, I’m not interested in being healthy.”

With some other network marketing companies, however, the market can be very limited. Not everyone needs a cell phone plan or dental insurance or legal services, for instance. These aren’t bad companies but their markets are obviously smaller than that of health MLMs.

Everyone wants more money. The primary appeal of network marketing is the potential for additional income. This is another place where health network marketing outshines other forms of network marketing. With other types of MLMs, getting people excited in the products or services can be a “tough sell” which means making money is harder. Many health and nutrition MLMs, on the other hand, offer products that create visible and dramatic results with their customers, creating instant excitement. If you’ve had dramatic results with your own health products, even better! Sales are easy when people are excited and want to get the same results you had.

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Before and after photos are common sales tools in health MLMs, usually showing improvement with skin problems or significant weight loss. These photos are visual evidence that customers are getting great results. Great results create an emotional attachment between the customer and the products. This translates into more repeat sales, better customer retention, increased word of mouth advertising and referrals for you.

This is in contrast with other network marketing companies which may have great products or services but are less likely to create dramatic physical results, emotional attachment from their customers and repeat sales. I’ve been in other types of MLMs myself and I can tell you from personal experience that the income potential in a health network marketing company is significantly higher.

Alternative health industry is booming. Health network marketing products generally fall into the alternative health category versus more traditional forms of Western medicine such as surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs. This is a good thing because there’s a growing trend of people preferring alternative health options such as high-density nutritional products; vitamins, antioxidants and other supplements; natural weight loss solutions; etc.

Think of the “buy organic” trend and the popularity of Whole Foods and other similar stores. When it comes to picking a good business, it’s like picking a good stock: “The trend is your friend.” Ask yourself if the other network marketing companies you may be looking at are part of a booming trend like alternative health or if they just have run-of-the-mill products and services that could have been offered 20 years ago.

Lowers your grocery costs. Many health network marketing companies offer a wide variety of nutritional products including meal replacements, vitamins, protein bars and energy drinks–all of which can replace equivalent products that you and your customers probably already buy at the grocery store.

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If you’re a distributor, you’re getting your company’s products at wholesale prices which in many cases will be about the same price or lower than what you’d pay at a regular store. Not to mention your products are probably much better for you! Plus, if you factor in the advantage of deducting you autoshipped products from your taxes (check with your CPA) your food costs are even lower.

Take advantage of massive income potential. With health network marketing companies, your chances of getting large initial and ongoing purchases are very good as customers stock up on their favorite products for themselves and their families. This means higher commissions for you–and more business volume from your team members.

With other types of MLMs, though, it’s much harder to get large orders on a regular basis. For instance, it’s not likely that a customer will order several hundred dollars worth of household cleaning supplies or greeting cards on a monthly basis. But this is common practice for many customers with families in health network marketing companies. That’s why there’s so much more potential for huge income in a health network marketing business.

Health professionals are seeking additional income streams. With the uncertainty in the economy, the questionable future of health care (at least in the US) and rising costs of running a health practice, health professionals are looking into health network marketing businesses like never before. Normally, health professionals need to get past one or more “hurdles” before they’ll join a health MLM, though.

These hurdles include believing that alternative health products must be inferior to Western medicine counterparts and the concern that selling products to their patients may be “unethical”. Once they see proof that alternative health products can benefit their patients, many health professionals will take a serious look at the products and company behind them. Then, once they see that sales of these health products can create a significant income stream, even surpassing their income as a health professional (like the millionaire chiropractor I know), stepping over their earlier hurdles becomes much easier.

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Of course, the benefits of having a health professional on your team can be huge. Few people have more authority or bigger personal networks than health professionals. I’ll write another article about attracting health professionals to your business soon.

You get to help others transform their lives. The best reason of all for starting a health network marketing business, though, is you are able to impact people’s health and improve their lives like no other type of network marketing company. I’ve personally helped people lose hundreds of pounds total, improve their energy and probably extend their lives through my business. I get incredible personal satisfaction knowing how much I’m helping people lose weight and improve their health.

In other network marketing companies, you can certainly help people save money with helpful products and services. They’ll probably be grateful to you for introducing it to them. But if these aren’t health products, are you really transforming their lives? You can only really do that with a health network marketing business offering highly effective products.

And those are the 7 HEALTHY reasons why you should start a health network marketing business!

Don’t Get Me Wrong

I know it sounds like I’m bashing other types of network marketing companies and saying a health network marketing business is the only type of MLM you should consider if you want to be successful. I’m not bashing other types of companies, though. There are lots of great companies out there.

But I’ve been in this industry for many years and I’ve seen other companies from the inside. And it’s my strong and obviously biased opinion that if you want to improve your chances for outrageous success in network marketing, a health network marketing business is the way to go for the 7 HEALTHY reasons above.